Local Lacrosse
Local lacrosse, or house league, is an excellent way for everyone to get – and stay – involved in our community. Players and parents alike are guaranteed to make new friends that often last a lifetime.
Box Lacrosse
Box lacrosse is the indoor version of lacrosse. The game originated here in Canada, where it is the most popular version of the game. There are six players on the floor for each team (5 players and 1 goalie) and is traditionally played in an ice hockey rink once the ice has been removed.
Men’s Field Lacrosse
Men’s Field lacrosse is an outdoor version of lacrosse. There are 10 players on the field; 3 attack, 3 midfielders, 3 defence and a goalie. Substitutions are done on the fly, mostly for the midfielders, who play the entire length of the field. The attack will generally remain on the offensive half of the field while the defense (long poles) will remain on the defensive half. Players may exchange positions as long as another player remains in the area as a temporary replacement.
Women’s Field Lacrosse
Women's Field Lacrosse is another outdoor version of the sport for women and girls. It was introduced in 1890 in St Andrews, Scotland. The women’s game is played with twelve players on each team and the rules of women's lacrosse differ significantly from Men's Field Lacrosse. There is no body contact. Equipment required to play is also different. The stick has a shallow pocket and is checked before every game and after every goal for conformity to the rules. Women are only required to wear a mouthguard and protective goggles.